In Peshawar, a novel coronavirus variant known as JN1 has been detected. The information reveals that two workers of Khyber Medical University were infected with the JN1 virus, according to a letter addressed to the district health officers by the director general of health services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Additionally, the DG has given the go-ahead to take action to stop the virus from spreading.
Nine coronavirus patients have surfaced in the province this year. According to Dr Irshad Droghani, director of public health, the JN1 version is 83% common, has a lower fatality rate than other variants, and a public alert has also been released regarding the virus.
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Corona was first outbreak in China back in 2019 and after that, it spreads aroud the world so fast killing millions and millions of people. Many countries around the globe impose loackdown and also imposed restricions on the daily routine of the citizens.
Vaccines were also introduced in order to metigate this pandemic.