Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) launched a sit-in in Faizabad on July 13, starting from Liaquat Bagh. The protest is based on three main demands, primarily aimed at providing aid to Palestine and banning Israeli products.
Before the meeting, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) had already sent eight aid shipments to Palestine and several Israeli products had been banned.
#Public outrage grows as #TLP’s sit-in in Faizabad causes major disruption since 13th July.
Despite aid to #Palestine and Israeli product bans already met, roads remain blocked, preventing timely access to hospitals and offices.
The road blockade caused severe traffic jams, causing considerable inconvenience to citizens. Many expressed frustration, saying the purpose of the sit-in was unclear as the government had already met the demands set out.
Public concerns include:
– Patients can’t get to the hospital on time
– Employees facing difficulties in getting to the offices
– The ambulance was reportedly delayed due to blocked routes
– All routes from Islamabad to Rawalpindi are closed
Citizens question the necessity of the protest given the government’s continued support for Palestine and already existing actions targeting the protesters’ demands.