A drop of honey fell on the ground. A small ant came and tasted a little of this honey drop. It tasted great. She had to go to work, so when she started to leave, the taste of this honey made her mouth water even more, her mouth filled with: What a great and delicious honey. “How sweet!”
She has never eaten honey like this!! She returned and tasted a little more of the honey… She decided to go again but she felt that eating this little honey was not enough, she wanted to eat more.
She stopped and this time instead of eating, she fell on the honey so that she could get maximum pleasure in the shortest time!
The ant dived into the honey and started enjoying it. But unfortunately, she could not get out of the honey. Due to the fatness of the honey, her feet stuck to the ground and she had no strength to move them.
She remained in the honey until she died in it. Her indulgence turned the honey into her grave.
A wise man said: The world is nothing but a huge drop of honey! So whoever eats a little of this drop of honey and eats it in moderation will be successful. Greed is a terrible disease. May Allah protect us all from this disease.