The hanging of colorful tents was the highlight of the Jashn-e-Baharan 2024 festival, with huge crowds attending the final event in Rawalpindi on Saturday.
Organized by the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA), Gorakhpur, the event was a huge success. Prominent tent builder clubs from Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), and Azad Kashmir participated in the competition with their equestrian skills and made tents of the riders enthralling the spectators. Rawalpindi Commissioner Amir Khatak distributed the prizes among the winners of the competition.
People from the twin cities and nearby towns witnessed gladiatorial and equestrian performances in Gorakhpur under the patronage of PHA.
Horse riders in Gorakhpur entertain the crowds all day long with the beauty of their horses and showcase the beauty of the ancient sport of tent hanging.

Director General (DG) PHA Rawalpindi Ahmed Hasan Ranjha welcomed the Chief Guest Commissioner Rawalpindi Amir Khatag and appreciated the efforts made by Equestrian and tent club and visitors to make the event a success.
More than fifty tent bearer clubs from Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Kashmir participated in the Rawalpindi 2024 Commissary Tent Festival.
Ahmed Hasan Ranjha, Director General of PHA, in his speech at the closing ceremony said that tent pitching is a sport that has quickly gained popularity from villages to cities and tent pitching has become an important part of PHA sports activities.
He said that the recognition and promotion of this sport at the national level can be important for Pakistan at the global level.
Dressed in colorful turbans, tent making club participants said the government’s recognition of tent making is a brave and high-spirited youth sport and the main reason for the rapid growth of our sport.
The participants of the tent hanging festival appreciated the efforts of PHA in the event and said that under the patronage of our government, the ancient game of tent hanging has become popular. Ahmed Hasan Ranjha, Director General of PHA, said that tenting and horse riding represent aspects of rural and traditional culture of Pakistan and added that PHA will strive to promote and support activities to restore tents for mass recreation.
Rawalpindi Commissioner Amir Khattak distributed prizes to the winners of the tent pitching competition and appreciated the arrangements made by PHA for this successful event.