Bollywood actress Shalini Passi, who gained fame through a reality show, revealed the serious physical challenges she faced after the birth of her child. In a recent interview, Shalini opened up about her post-pregnancy issues. She shared that she married Sanjay Passi at 18 and became a mother at 21. However, the experience was not easy for her. After giving birth to her first child, she lost sensation in her back and legs. Doctors advised her to take injections in her spine every six months because she had become dependent on others for movement.
Doctors warned her that she would no longer be able to wear high heels or dance again, but Shalini ignored this advice and returned to her dance classes. She also strengthened her spine through yoga and muscle training. According to Shalini, her doctors still consider it a miracle. In a previous Reddit session, Shalini described her early marriage experience as living life in reverse, explaining that now, with her son working and having graduated, she feels like a 16-year-old girl facing new experiences.