Sobia Umer
We as human beings are more developed and sophisticated in every way than our ancestors. We are very proud of this development and have no plan of halting it at any cost. In our quest of a better lifestyle, we have compromised and overlooked many important aspects of ecosystem. Let’s have a look together on how our cleanliness and sophistication is causing environmental degradation.
In order to attain a germ free, sparkling and fragrant home, the usage of strong chemical cleaning products such as detergents and soaps has escalated in our normal lifestyles. These products do clean our house but introduce dangerous pollutants in the air and water which affect the natural balance of the ecosystem. They also kill natural decomposers which are very important for nature’s process of cleaning the environment. Sophisticated consumer products make the world around you lose its beauty as they extract more resources, consume more energy, and produce tons of waste. The increasing demand of smart tools/gadgets, ever-changing fashion trends, and disposable products have a greatly led to deforestation, pollution and destruction of the habitat.

In the name of development and better living styles, we are destroying the beautiful gift of nature. We as human beings often act selfishly. For example, if tired of the hustle and bustle of urban life, we will go to a forest and destroy natural habitat of so many animals, cut trees and make noise to make a serene farmhouse for ourselves, merely in order to attain our own peace.
The presence of phosphates in various detergents, soaps and cleaning chemicals leads to freshwater algal blooms that release toxins and deplete oxygen in waterways. When algae decompose, they use the oxygen available for marine animals. Similarly is the case for electronic gadgets such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines and cleaning bots. All these machines add to the toxic dump. Washing machines use a lot of water and energy. We all know how important it is for the environment to conserve water and energy. All these machines emit greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and CFCs) which blanket the earth and trap the sun’s heat. In addition, they make great clamor increasing noise pollution.

Our modern and sophisticated lifestyle is altering the ecosystem through increased consumption, enormous pollution from chemicals and gadgets, and extremely higher emissions of carbon dioxide. Resultantly, the natural resources are degrading at a fast pace. There will be no returning back if this goes on unchecked. We are already at the edge of a disaster. At the moment, though we as human beings are not showing any concern about it, yet it is to remember that in the end, it’s the human race which will be afflicted badly.

Let bygones be bygones. At the moment, the important question is whether we can stop further destruction or not. Why not begin with our cleaning habits. Stop using acid cleaners on a daily basis in the bathrooms. Rather wash them with plain water, using a wiper after every wash. This will keep the bathrooms cleaner for a longer time. Furthermore, a decreased usage of antibacterial soaps may halt skin afflictions. Now talking about the kitchens, let’s quit using processed and packed items. Go grocery shopping to your local market. Grab your tote bag. Call a friend to join you. Have a stroll, shop for fresh fruit, veggies and meat. Do it for the sake of nature, and your physical and mental health. Our only solution to this environmental disaster is to be natural. Stay close to nature. ANYTHING AGAINST NATURE IS AGAINST THE ECOSYSTEM.
The writer is Managing Director ‘Penmanship Education and Training’ and can be reached at: