Ahead of India’s elections, concerns are growing about the Modi government’s influence on Bollywood, which critics say is a tool for political propaganda.
According to industry officials and analysts, there has been an increase in films promoting Indian nationalist ideologies that suit the government’s agenda.
The Guardian has caused fear to divide the religious section of more than a dozen publications that say it is in line with the government. Crea University Professor Dr Sayandeb Chowdhury warned that these films are being used to spread misinformation and further polarize society.
Former journalist Kandan Shashiraj accused the industry of suppressing the truth and manipulating the narrative to serve political interests. A report from Al Jazeera suggests a wider campaign to take control of Bollywood, given the plethora of Islamophobic-themed films hitting the streaming platform ahead of the election.
By injecting government speeches and extremist ideology into cinemas, the Modi administration is fueling tensions and alienating minority groups, critics say. The manipulation of the film industry poses a threat to communal harmony in India amid concerns about the impact on religious and cultural harmony.