Pakistani showbiz industry’s renowned actress, Manal Khan, has revealed that her mother was not initially in favor of her marriage to Ahsen Mohsin.
Manal Khan and her sister Aiman Khan appeared as guests on Private TV Channel, where the two sisters discussed various aspects of their lives.
Manal shared that while Aiman had full support from their father during her marriage, her father was no longer alive by the time Manal got married. However, she had informed her father during his lifetime that she was in love with someone and wanted to marry him.
She further shared that her mother had rejected Ahsen Mohsin initially as she didn’t find him suitable. But Manal’s father supported her decision, saying that if Manal liked Ahsen Mohsin, he would approve. Eventually, after her father’s approval, her mother accepted Ahsen Mohsin as her son-in-law.