Pakistani actress Liba Khan has revealed that false rumors were spread in the past about her marrying a Qatari prince.
In a recent interview with a fashion brand, Liba Khan discussed various topics, including the truth behind the rumors about her marriage.
Talking about her personality, Liba Khan shared that she tends to get friendly with people who wear perfume. Even if someone doesn’t wear perfume, she first observes their feet before considering their personality and the possibility of friendship.
She also mentioned that she is very stubborn. If she likes something, she believes it’s meant to be hers. Similarly, if she likes someone, she considers them as her own.
Liba Khan revealed that rumors spread on YouTube and other platforms claiming she married a 50-year-old Qatari prince because he was wealthy. Her father saw these reports on YouTube and got worried, asking her about it. Liba clarified to him that there was no truth to these rumors and that they were completely false.