Famous Indian actress Kangana Ranaut’s film ‘Emergency’ has faced a ban in Bangladesh. According to Indian media, the ban is attributed to the ongoing political tension between the two countries rather than the film’s content. Directed and written by Kangana herself, the film is set to release in India on January 17.
The story revolves around the political situation of 1975 and the Emergency imposed by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Kangana portrays the role of Indira Gandhi in the film, which highlights the Indian Army, Indira Gandhi, and the founder of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, for their support during that time.
Indian media reports that earlier, films like ‘Pushpa 2’ and ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ were also banned in Bangladesh, and now Kangana’s film has become a victim of the ongoing political tensions between the two countries.