India’s Border Security Force (BSF) imposed a curfew in the border areas of Bangladesh amid political unrest in Dhaka as Sheikh Hasina fled the capital Dhaka and reached New Delhi to seek political asylum in India.
According to Indian media reports, the Border Security Force (BSF) has advised a curfew from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am in all areas of Meghalaya within 200 meters of the Bangladesh border.
India is dealing with a diplomatic defeat as student protests in Bangladesh toppled the government of key New Delhi ally Sheikh Hasina Wajid.
There is unfenced land along 915.35 kilometers from the Bangladesh border.
Five Indian states are adjacent to Bangladesh and 4,096 kilometers from their common border.
India’s Border Security Force (BSF) is on full alert right now and conditions are very tense near the border with Bangladesh and the eastern state of West Bengal.
The Indian government has ordered that no one is allowed into the country without the required documentation and permits.
The Petrapole Land port on the border blocked the flow of goods and detained hundreds of Indian trucks in Bangladesh. Additionally, in the Indian state of Meghalaya, a curfew is enforced at night along the Bangladesh-India border. Rail links between Bangladesh and India have also been suspended indefinitely since mid-July.