In this world of colors and fragrances, every individual has some desire in their heart, striving towards achieving their goal. Success is something that everyone yearns for. But how can success be attained? This is one of the biggest mysteries of this world.
Various philosophers and thinkers have tried to solve the riddle of achieving success in their own ways. The Italian philosopher Machiavelli gave the formula, “The end justifies the means,” meaning if you desire any goal, you should use all available means, regardless of whether they are moral or immoral. If you achieve your objective, the means you employed, whether ethical or unethical, are considered justified.
British writer Francis Bacon propagated the philosophy that “Every path to a higher position is through winding stairs,” which means that no one can reach a high position without using ethical and legal methods. However, these philosophies were deemed impractical because they violated the limits of morality.
When it comes to achieving success in any goal, two key factors play a central role: first, the individual’s own effort; and second, fate. There are varying opinions about the ratio of these two factors. Some people consider fate to be the sole requirement for success, while others entirely disregard fate and advocate for the greatness of hard work. However, the majority believes that effort and fate both play an equal role, with 50% of success attributed to effort and the remaining 50% to fate. Based on this assumption, let us continue.
Think of success in any worldly goal as a 100-mark exam. In educational institutions, any exam paper consists of two parts: theory and practical (or sessional). The theory marks are earned by solving the paper based on one’s own ability, while sessional marks are in the hands of the examiner, who has complete authority over them. When awarding sessional marks, the examiner considers the student’s attendance, class contribution, discipline, and overall behavior. If the student has maintained a good attitude in class, they are rewarded with higher sessional marks. In contrast, a bad attitude leads to a lack of sessional marks.
Now, let’s apply this formula to real life. Your goal in life, which you wish to achieve, is like a 100-mark exam. Half of it is theory, and half is sessional. Your tireless effort and hard work towards your goal account for 50 theory marks, while the remaining 50 marks are sessional—meaning they depend on fate. The examiner of this exam is none other than Allah (SWT). Just as in educational institutions, where sessional marks depend on the overall behavior of the student, similarly, Allah, the supreme examiner, grants sessional marks based on your conduct towards fellow human beings and His creation (Al-Khalq Ayal Allah).
If you maintain ties with humanity, practice sacrifice and selflessness, and foster brotherhood and tolerance, then you can be confident that Allah will bestow upon you the full 50/50 sessional marks. Even if there is a shortcoming in your efforts, the mercy of Allah will make you successful. However, if you turn away from humanity and disregard values such as love, kindness, and empathy, and rely solely on materialism and your own hard work (theory), then no matter how much effort you put in, the absence of Allah’s mercy will make your success impossible.
The only lawful and ethical way to achieve success is by remembering Allah’s creation. Be kind to others, treat them with love, and assist them. These actions will bring you closer to Allah, and as a result, Allah will bless you with His mercy, opening the doors of success to you.