Popular TV personality Bushra Ansari has confirmed her second marriage with popular film director Iqbal Hussain.
The announcement came in a blog posted on Ansari’s YouTube channel, where he reflects on tying the knot and challenges society’s norms around age and marriage.
The couple recalled their first meeting in 2016 on the hit TV series Sita Bagri, where they found joy in the experience of divorce and being single. Hussain enthusiastically recounts what he proposed to Ansar during this time, adding to the journey of friendship that defies conventional expectations.
Reflecting on the journey after the divorce, Ansari said, “It took me a year and a half to get over my divorce and I never imagined getting married again until I met Iqbal.” He said that it is important to accept and accept new initiatives, especially when you find a sincere companion in life.
The couple acknowledged the support of their friends and family, especially veteran actor Behroze Sabzwari and others who showed their support. Despite initial concerns from the community and family, Ansari expressed gratitude for the support that facilitated their union.
Hussain echoed Ansari’s sentiments and stressed the need to arrange the marriage of elderly women in the community. “If two people have the opportunity and there are no family disputes, they should not hesitate to get married,” she said, challenging widespread stereotypes and supporting gender equality in family choices.
Ansari and Hussain’s decision to discuss their relationship and marriage openly is a testament to overcoming obstacles and embracing love and friendship at all stages of life. Their story inspires a re-evaluation of societal norms around age and marriage, and the development of a more inclusive culture.