A mason was fed up of his job. He went to the contractor and submitted his resignation. The contractor was a kind and compassionate person. He had a number of other craftsman, but there was something unique about this mason..!!
As far as compensation and the facilities of the residence were concerned, the contractor had already blessed him well. The dedication and hard work of this mason was also enviable, but one day this too would die. No one had thought about it. The contractor told the mason, “Before leaving, you should build last house with your own hands, then I accept this resignation.”
The builder unwillingly agreed to the poor construction of the house. The crumbling plaster, the cracked paint and the broken nails of the doors and windows showed the builder’s exhaustion from every angle. It was clear that he had not done this work as a duty but as a means of saving his life. The construction of house showed that the rains bring down its roof soon. While handing over the keys of the house to the contractor, he repeated his demand for accepting his resignation.
The contractor returned the keys to the builder with compassion and said, “I accept your resignation and this last house is a gift from me to you.”
The mason was surprised over the reply and he was in a state of severe regret for which he had done while constructing the house.
He said, Oh God! What happened? Why did I waste my money on the rent I paid? If this house was to be my home, why didn’t I make it good? I kept adding color to people’s lives and made it ugly for myself. I wish! I wish! I wish
but there were only regrets..!!
Same happen in our lives. We also work hard throughout out life distinguishing between halal and haram. At some point in our lives, we think that everyone is doing it. If I do it once, it will be good. At that moment, you would have put everything at stake. If you had done the action you thought you would have done, then your real home, your grave, and the repairs you have done in this world would have ruined its entire condition..!!
The actions we do in our lives, especially prayers, are the ones that Allah, the Almighty, is in need of.
But we need to do good to all of them.