Once upon a time, a camel and a jackal used to live at bank of river. There were fields of melons across the river.
One day, the jackal said that to camel, “It you help me to cross the river, I will take you to the melon fields. You will eat sweet melons in the field and I will hunt for rabbits in the fields.”
Camel’s mouth fill with water after hearing about the sweet melons and he agreed on the proposal. As the camel can swim in water, he carried jackal on his back and both reached to other side of river.
After reaching the melon fields, the jackal started hunting for rabbits and camel got engaged in eating sweet melons.
The jackal’s camel was full shortly after eating two rabbits but the camel had not yet consumed enough melons.
As per his nature, the jackal started making loud noises. The camel asked the jackal to keep quiet as the owner of the fields could reach there after hearing his voice. When camel started eating melons, the jackal again made loud noise.
Hearing the jackal’s voice, the fields owner rushed the scene with a baton and observed a camel busy in eating melons. The jackal escaped the scene but the field owner thrashed the camel with baton injuring him severely and drove him away from his field.
As the jackal could not swim in the river, so he started waiting for the camel. After a while, the camel also reached the bank of the river and saw the jackal waiting for him.
The jackal started laughing after seeing the camel injured over which camel got angry.
The camel said to the jackal, “If you had been quiet, the owner of the farm would not have been aware of our activities.”
The jackal told the camel that it is my habit to make noise after having a delicious meal. The camel decided to punish jackal for joking over his condition.
The jackal again climbed on the back of camel and he entered into the river to cross it. When the camel reached deep water, he sat down in the water. The jackal started drowning in the water. He started making hue and cry and said to the camel, “Don’t sit in the water, I will drown.”
The camel told the jackal that it is his habit to sit in the water for lessening pain of his injuries after having a sound thrash. The jackal started diving into the deep water. The camel left the jackal in the water and came out of the river.
However, the jackal managed to the bank of the river in some way. When both gathered again, the camel told the jackal that this is the punishment for what you have done.
The jackal was very ashamed of what he had done and begged pardon from camel and assured him to remain careful in future.