Sadhguru will apparently be seen in the singer-actor Jennifer Lopez’s upcoming film, ‘This is Me Now: A Love Story.’
The cast list at the end of the trailer mentions Sadhguru. Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez recently unveiled the trailer for her movie This is Me Now: A Love Story.
The cast list at the end of the trailer mentions Sadhguru.
The internet reacted to Sadhguru’s possible involvement in the film.
One person wrote: “I hope he rides a motorbike and does great things.” Another commented: “My guru a movie star? I can’t wait to hear what the movie is about! Go Sadhguru!”
“Our guru is literally a superhero in life,” another fan mentioned.
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Earlier, Jennifer Lopez shared the trailer of the film on her social media and captioned it, “I haven’t been this nervous, excited, scared and excited to share something with you in years!! The story of the journey from This is me.
Then This Is Me Now is the most personal thing I’ve ever done. The musical experience continues on February 16, when the album This Is Me Now drops.
JLo herself contributed to the script of the film, and she will play the main role in it. The production and scale of the film looks massive. The film stars Ben Affleck, Sofia Vergara, Jay Shetty and Trevor Noah, among others.
However, when contacted the film’s team, they could not confirm this.