The National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and the Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), allowing PSDF to teach young people across the country on NAVTTC’s behalf.
PSDF’s reach has expanded across the country as a result of the MOU, after previously only reaching Punjab.
To allow young people with local skills to easily enter the global market, collaborative efforts will be made to give digital training and certificates. In addition to the tracer studies and effect evaluations of the skills training programs, both organizations conducted sector studies and training needs analysis with the goal of creating demand both locally and internationally.
The two companies will collaborate to give young people with skill training in IT, hospitality, and construction. The purpose of this program is to have at least 30% of graduates find work. The training sessions would take place in 16 districts across Pakistan, including Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Rhaim Yar Khan, Karachi, Hyderabad, Sakhar, Peshawar, Nowshera, Abbottabad, Queta, Gilgit, and Muzaffarabad.
Additionally, the two organizations have agreed to collaborate on TVET sector development and curriculum revisions.
COO PSDF Ali Akbar Bosan, who spoke at the occasion, underlined the need of learning international approaches and improving local TVET curricula to reach global standards. “Bridging the gap between the local and international curriculum is necessary so that the country produces skilled labor in accordance with international demand,” he said, adding that this would make Pakistani workers more competitive in the global market.
Gulmina Bilal Ahmad, NAVTCC Chairperson, proposed declaring a youth emergency. Targeted steps must be taken to stop failing youth and transform them into important members of society. She underlined the importance of paying more attention to Balochistan in order to increase the amount of training produced there.
Dr. Ijaz Nabi, a PSDF board member, stated that the organization is currently working toward its goal of building a skill development institution, following the signing of the MOU with NAVTTC. In addition to government assistance, he advocated for the PSDF’s future expansion throughout the country and industry.