Renowned Bollywood playback singer Sunidhi Chauhan Raj, in an interview on Shamani’s podcast, praised Pakistan’s musical diversity and singled out Coke Studio’s song Turri Jandi in particular.
In the interview, she showed how much she appreciates Pakistani musicians and their live contribution to world music.
She highlighted aspects of the two countries’ shared cultures, such as language, cuisine and customs, which create a close connection.
Chauhan recognized the significant influence of Pakistani music and attributed its international triumph to the sincere enthusiasm and commitment of its creators.
She pointed out that Pakistani music has gained immense popularity worldwide and has captured the affection and respect of Indian audiences as a testament to the excellence and genuineness of their craft.
Her praise for Coke Studio, especially Hasan Raheem and Shazia Manzoor’s “Turri Jandi”, was particularly enthusiastic. Chauhan described her reaction to the song and its accompanying video as transformational.
It is incredibly beautiful and elegant. The way it has been conceptualized is truly remarkable,” she said.
Sunidhi’s admiration extends to Coke Studio’s wider impact and highlights the show’s role in showcasing Pakistani talent on the global stage. “The song itself is fantastic, but the video elevates it even more.
Sunidhi Chauhan’s statements highlight the shared cultural and artistic legacy of India and Pakistan, recognize the achievements of Pakistani musicians and promote a sense of belonging and mutual respect within the global music community.
Her recognition of “Turri Jandi” and Coke Studio demonstrates the ongoing conversation and admiration between the music industries of the two nations.