The South Indian film star Ram Charan and Bollywood’s renowned actress Kiara Advani’s film Game Changer, released on January 10, has unfortunately fallen victim to cyber attacks and leaks.
According to Indian media reports, on the day of the film’s release, a group of 45 individuals leaked an illegal copy of the movie online.
The film’s team stated that before the release, they received threats via social media messages and other channels, demanding a large sum of money. The people behind the threats warned that if their demands were not met, they would leak the film’s scenes and HD print.
Two days before the release, important scenes and the HD version were leaked on social media, causing damage to the film.
The Game Changer team has filed a complaint with the Cyber Crime Police against these individuals, and a full investigation is underway to determine whether the group was acting alone or if other forces were involved.
Additionally, negative propaganda against Ram Charan’s film was spread on social media, and a complaint has been filed in this regard as well.
It is worth noting that Game Changer has earned a total of 105.7 crore rupees in business within a few days of its release.