A French woman lost £700,000 after falling victim to a scam involving someone pretending to be actor Brad Pitt. The 53-year-old interior designer, named Anne, was tricked into transferring the money to the fraudster who claimed to be Brad Pitt and asked for financial help for cancer treatment. The scam started in February 2023 when Anne received a message on Instagram from a woman claiming to be Pitt’s mother. The fraudster then convinced Anne that they were in contact with Brad Pitt, leading to a year of daily exchanges, fake photos, and videos, which made Anne believe she was speaking with the real actor. Eventually, the scammer claimed that due to a divorce from actress Angelina Jolie, he had no access to his accounts and needed financial help. Anne, believing in the fraud, transferred nearly £670,000 and even divorced her husband. The truth came out when Anne saw pictures of the real Brad Pitt online with his girlfriend, realizing she had been deceived.